Tafsir Al Misbah
tafsir al misbah

Many of the criminal cases that have occurred lately are due partly to moral degradation. Indonesian people who are known as religious communities should be able to work together in grounding moral education in accordance with the teachings of the Al-Qur'an as explained by the Quraish Shihab in the Book of Tafsir Al-Misbah. Quraish Shihab, which has an interpretation of the Adabi Ijtima'i style, is expected to be able to provide insight into current moral education.

tafsir al misbahtafsir al misbah

Quraish Shihab ini ditulis dari tayangan Metro TV Bulan Ramadhan, November 2004Recently, there are various environmental issues in Malaysia that attract interests to many parties. Tafsir Al Misbah QS.104: Al Humazah 24 July 2016 1 Comment Disclaimer: Tafsir Al Misbah oleh Prof. Quraish 1944- (pengarang) Perpustakaan umum Islam Imam Jama (penerbit) Paguyuban Yayasan Ikhlas (penerbit) Edisi: Edisi 2017, cetakan I: Pernyataan Seri: Penerbitan: Tangerang : Lentera Hati, 2017.

Exploitation of greedy people also has worsened this environmental issue. With the development of advanced technology, there are many requests to use these natural resources to produce various equipment and things. To sum it up, these issues stem from the human behavior itself.

tafsir al misbahtafsir al misbah